Spreading the Lord's

Teaching in 1997

"Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain." Ps. 127:1 NIV. ". . . I will build my church." Mt. 16:18b. "Pray that the Lord's teaching will be spread quickly. And pray that people will give honor to that teaching . . ." 2 Thess. 3:1b ERV. "God wants all people to be saved. And He wants all people to know the truth. There is only one God and there is only one way that people can reach God. That way is through Jesus Christ . . ." 1Tim. 2:4,5 ERV.

 Sources for this World Missions Review are: various church bulletins, World Radio News, Christian Chronicle, ACTION, newsletters and personal reports from missionaries. Keep in mind that we plant and water the Seed (God's Word), and God gives the increase. In all reports the missionaries expressed themselves similar to Brother Juan Monroy, MADRID, SPAIN, when reporting of his successful missions to CUBA, MEXICO, U.S., SO. AMERICA, and other places: "I have not done that work by myself. God has done it by using me as an instrument. To Him be all the honor."

"MORE DEVASTATING THAN THE TITANIC. WORSE EVEN THAN THE GENESIS FLOOD" were these words of warning on a background of red. Opening the brochure, I read: "The Distress Call Goes Out, MAYDAY! MAYDAY! Help us! Someone help us!" Meanwhile, a nation carries on unaware. No sirens sound. No emergency vehicles scurry. Millions could perish, yet there is no break-away coverage on CNN. Not even a news flash from a local cable affiliate. A world is drowning in sin and people are crying out. Not in Morse Code, or over radio waves, but in the silent frequency of broken lives and shattered dreams. God hears them. Jesus died for them. And for those of us with our ear to God's will, He calls us to their rescue." On Sunday, Dec. l4, 1997, congregations are challenged to double their contributions to advance each congregation's mission efforts with a portion over the budget, and an equal portion to CrossView Ministries for global outreach. Also shown on the brochure is a blood-soaked cross with a life-saving belt attached. [Mark 16:15, 16]

PRISON MINISTRIES: are scattered across the nation. With plenty of time on their hands, many study Bible courses. Cleve Cullers, Abilene, TX, says he has received letters from two dozen men who wrote: "I'm thankful I was placed here, otherwise I might never have found Christ." Michael, a prisoner, wrote to Stan Burge, "Thank you so much for my new lessons. I truly enjoy studying the word of God with my new friends. Most of them have little formal education and the Easy-to-Read Bible explains the Truth so they can understand. We need more copies. My copy has started to come apart at the seams." Another wrote: "You see, sometimes it takes an ordeal like this to take place in one's life for the Lord to get our attention." Another: "I consider myself fortunate the Lord found me in this place when I wasn't looking. I don't like it here, but I have had the opportunity to study and immerse myself in the Word. If I was out in the world, living as I was, I don't think I would have come to know the Lord, so my incarceration is a blessing in disguise."

RUSSIA: The government has a new law -- gone is the freedom of religion they had for a few years. Dr. Prentice Meador of the Prestoncrest congregation of the Lord's Church in Dallas was on his 8th trip to teach Christianity when the new law was passed. After delivering his speech, he was taken to a meeting with the Deputy Director of Church and State who enforces this law, and was told Russia is against religious pluralism. The Deputy signed the documents allowing Prentice to finish his lectures, but a KGB agent was sent to monitor them. He took notes as he listened. Dr. Meador's passport was kept by the police while he was there. This had never happened before. The Church has handed out 7 million free Bibles, distributed food, medicine, clothes and household appliances. Rostov-On Don: Clay Whidden was invited by the Salvation Army to give a 4 week series of lessons on the history of the Church, beginning with Acts 2. Even though they do not teach baptism, Clay was allowed to teach how people became Christians in the beginning of the Church. After the series, some are asking questions about the difference in Biblical teaching and what many religious groups observe. Some are attending our worship services and are interested in further study.

MOROCCO, Casablanca update: In Nov. 1995 Maurice Hall baptized Mahmoud in his hotel bathtub. In the past 6 months 6 more have put on our Lord in baptism. Secretly, 5 were baptized in a closed door bathhouse, and one in the Atlantic Ocean. The latter, Soufane, who began listening to KNLS 7 years ago at age 13, wrote for more knowledge of Christ, saying he was 'addicted' to the program. He was sent a Bible course. After studying the Bible, he wrote that he wanted to be baptized. A copy of his letter was sent to Mahmoud, resulting in his baptism into Christ. No missionaries are allowed into Morocco, but KNLS is there! Listeners from 125 nations have responded to these gospel broadcasts. Ten hours of programs in Chinese, English and Russian are transmitted daily. KNLS engineer F. N. Perry, said that, actually, their signal should die before reaching ALGERIA, but they are getting letters from there as a result of the program! [Only God knows how that works!]

NIGERIA, Ikotawak: Before his baptism, Chief Johan Udo Udo, a life-long witch doctor who was feared for his satanic powers, said: "My children have all left me for the church and I am alone with these dumb things (idols). I must follow Jesus too." And before he was immersed in water for the forgiveness of sins, he, with the help of local evangelists and people from Obong Christian High School, burned his idols and the 'sacred' grove surrounding them! The Obong Ntak church hosted thousands of young people from all over Nigeria at their annual youth forum. 9,800 people were present. 34 were baptized.

TERRELL, TX: Jack Evans, President of Southwestern Christian College, debated Jeremiah Fard Muhammad, official representative of Louis Farrakhan. Topics were The Inspiration of the Bible vs. that of the Qur'an, The Bible Prophecies about Muhammad and the Qur'an, and The Divinity of Christ and Messiahship. Following the debate Jeremiah spent some time studying the Bible with Jack, after which he resigned his position with Farrakhan and became a Christian! He also dropped his name Fard Muhammad and uses his original name of Jeremiah Cummings. He wants to become a minister and write and speak of his faith in Christ, hoping to reach others in the Nation of Islam and the Muslim World. [May God bless Jeremiah on his mission with Him!]

INDIA, Andhra Predesh State: Prior to the destructive cyclone that hit the southeast coast, Royce Frederick, Lufkin, TX, helped open a church building in one of the villages. Hindu fanatics heckled during the opening ceremonies. But during the cyclone they took refuge in the same building and were fed for two days by the members!

LOS ANGELES, CA: The Culver Palms congregation is making plans to start a Chinese congregation, beginning in Jan. '98, among the Chinese students of two universities. They have hired Shifan Man, now studying at Sunset International Bible Institute, Lubbock, TX, to be the minister. Shifan, from northern China, came to Abilene, to study Bible and return to preach in the government authorized church. After his study and learning of the church Jesus built in AD 33, he said he could not return to preach as they expect him to. To teach the Truth of the New Testament would mean their rejecting him and not permitting him to ever preach in China. We need to pray that China will change so the people will have freedom of religion. Only in this way can our Chinese brethren preach openly the gospel of Jesus.

HAITI, Cap-Haitien: Joseph Albert said: "It is unbelievable, but true! World Radio is behind me everywhere I go to save souls for Christ." For 18 years he has been preaching Christ over the radio. Some listeners wrote him to come to Carice and study with them. After 3 days study, 158 people were baptized into Christ! Two were witch doctors and many had practiced Voodoo.

COLUMBIA, Monteria: When Joaquin Suarez travels, he distributes tracts in cities where there are no congregations. In Monteria he handed a tract to an evangelical church leader. Because the message in the tract and radio broadcasts of Joaquin interested him, he contacted Joaquin, asking for a visit. He told of a young preacher who had started a small congregation a few years ago and who had converted him. Unfortunately, the preacher had been killed in a car accident. When learning his identity, Joaquin realized he had baptized the young preacher 5 years earlier. Upon their visiting the family of the young preacher, they were shown a picture of Joaquin's baptizing their son. The evangelical leader had left the church shortly after his baptism and joined a guerrilla movement. After amnesty was given the guerrillas, he began to preach, teaching others according to the knowledge, as best as he could remember, from several years earlier. Fellowship has been restored with the growing congregation of the Lord's church of some 60 members. [See what God did with a brother handing out a tract with His message!]

KENYA, AFRICA, Nziu: Joseph Mutiso, 50, retired from teaching, requested a Bible course from Emma Lou Morgan of Corning, AR. While studying the Bible, he realized the importance of baptism by immersion. Emma Lou sent him to the Eastleigh congregation in Nairobi, 225 miles away. He traveled by bus, and after talking to the Christians and seeing their brotherly love, he was baptized. Back home he began the Nziu church on Oct. 2. By Oct. 23 the number increased to 37 and a year later 120 were present. The congregation was given a plot of land upon which they built a thatched building with a tin roof. Joseph's plans are to leave the work in hands of the brethren and go to a nearby town to start another congregation.

IVORY COAST, AFRICA, Bouake: Barry Baggott reports that their Bible school graduated its first class. They have a 2 year program of Bible study and related courses to prepare them to spread God's word. The graduates have scattered to cities and towns where needed. One was a student from Ghana. The students are also trained in agriculture, working a large field on loan by Brother Konga of the Bouake congregation. They also tend chickens and rabbits which are sold to help support the school. The experience provides for not only learning but for feeding themselves.

NASHVILLE, TN: Disaster Relief Center: (One of several in the U.S. used by our brethren to help those devastated by disasters.) Charline Gunselman wrote that she, Helen and Jim Costello and others had been busy packing relief boxes. It takes 2 l/2 hours to fill 1,000 boxes for a truckload. By the time they are finished, she said she felt like she really had had a workout. "It's lots of fun and you meet a lot of nice folks," she added. Most are in their 60's and 70's. [Serving others does not stop at retirement age!]

Early in Bob Davidson's ministry in NEW YORK CITY, he and the visiting preacher handed out tracts and invitations for their coming gospel meeting. Bob intercepted a drunk approaching the older preacher for a handout. Bob rushed him away, and, on impulse, put an invitation into his pocket. On Wednesday night of the meeting Bob saw this drunk come in the door. Bob asked: "Why did you come?" "It's a miracle," was his reply, "I woke up this morning and God had put an invitation on my dresser. I don't know how it got there." He came again Thurs. and Fri. nights, and on Sat. night he was baptized into Christ! 20 years later, at a speaking appointment, a young man ran to Bob and asked: "Are you Bob Davidson?" When Bob said yes, the stranger hugged him and said: "I'm a Christian because of you. I want to be a missionary because you invited my Dad to a gospel meeting when he was an alcoholic on the streets of N.Y.C. Thank you for inviting my father." Two years later Bob told this story at an Asian Mission Interest Dinner. When he finished, a missionary from INDIA, stood and said: "I would like to thank Bob again for inviting my Dad to a gospel meeting." [Yes, God cares for the drunks, and He used Bob to give this missionary's father a chance at salvation.]

Suggested reading: Who is My Brother? by F. LaGard Smith: From the Scriptures he gives answers to troubling questions about identity and fellowship. Excellent presentation. The Kingdom by Richard E. Walker: Going through the Bible he tells how and why the Kingdom of God came to be. Especially ideal for those who know little or nothing of God and His Word. Among the People of the Sun - Our Years in Africa by Donna Mitchell. A wonderful story of Loy's and Donna's work with God in Africa.