To Russia (and other places) with

God's Love in 1993

I Peter 4:11 "If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ." (NIV).

Thanks for your letters, calls and/or visits of the past year. It is always a blessing to hear from you.

UNDER THE HAIR DRYER: Bro. (Dr.) LaGard Smith's book, The Cultural Church, is a must for Christians, especially at a time when there is unrest and so many calling for change. He shows how the 'new hermeneutic' is influenced by culture, not divine scripture. I enjoyed his delightful, inspiring Cotswold Parables in Meeting God in Quiet Places. In Max Lucado's Foreword he writes: "LaGard has invited us to walk with him through the countryside of England. But as you walk you will see much more than bunnies and sheep. You will see truths of Scripture come alive and the promise of God renewed with each sunrise." Six months out of the year LaGard goes to his cottage in England where he writes his well received books. You dittoheads would enjoy learning more about the conservative 'Equal Timer' Rush Limbaugh, in his biography by Michael Arkush, called RUSH.

RUSSIA: MOSCOW: Otis and Irene Gatewood spent 6 weeks here in June and July. They missed seeing Mikhail Gorbachov; he was in Switzerland. I wrote last year about Sonia M., a Jewish lady Otis met first in 1958, at 19, when she was his tourist guide. She had never heard of Abraham and her Jewish history so Otis gave her a Bible, telling her it was a story book of the Jewish nation. She sat up all night reading, and said this book made her proud she is Jewish. She said she had been fired because she had gone with the group into the churches they visited. He taught her about God and Jesus each visit. This time she was baptized - 35 years later! Upon arriving in Moscow June 6, they learned that Glen Owen (Abilene, TX) was holding a meeting in a theater in Hotel Rossia where they were staying. Over 100 were listening each night; nine were baptized. Otis decided he would rent the same place and preach. It was reserved from 8 to 10 p.m. Otis would read from his book, There is a God in Heaven, which had been given to all in attendance in Russian, and his Russian translator read from the Russian copy. The attendance increased each night to over 200. In the middle of his denunciation of the theory of Atheistic Dialectical Materialism "a young man arose from the audience with a picture of Lenin, or some other man, and tried to get the audience to listen to him speak instead of me. An elderly grandmother got up out of her seat, walked forward, took his picture out of his hands, tore it to shreds, threw pieces on the floor, and stomped them. Several strong, young men arose from the audience and seized him physically and escorted him to the exit . . ." Otis said: "Public protest to what is being said is a part of freedom. At one time not too long ago, you were denied the right of protest." He was interrupted with applause. "This is my 24th visit to the Soviet Union. I visited Moscow the first time in 1952 during the reign of Stalin. I was denied the right to speak, but I came again and again. This is the first time I have been able to preach without interference from the police." The audience cheered again. "Last year when I was in M.oscow, I went to see Mr. Gorbachov personally because he continued to say that he is an atheist. I told him that God was using him to accomplish many things he did not understand." He answered: "That is right . . ." The audience greatly cheered by clapping of their hands. He told them he was ready to debate any atheist, and told them of his being challenged by 3 professors of the U. of Orel who could not answer the arguments he was giving them. David, Otis' son, a clinical supervisor with Dr. James Dobson's Focus on The Family, in Colorado Springs, CO., spoke to them about how to establish and successfully operate Christian homes. They received him very well. Irene distributed the books in the lobby and explained the contents of the book. Two young Russians translated for her. They had many questions. Otis and Irene plan to return to Moscow next summer with his commentaries on Acts and Revelation in Russian.

ST. PETERSBURG, MOSCOW, KIEV, (UKRAINE), MINSK, (BELARUS): Norvel and Helen Young, grandsons Chris Young, David Lemley, visited these cities in August. Norvel preached on "Why I Believe," "Faith that Moves Mountains," and counseled with the local Christian leaders. Helen spoke to the women on "Faith Basics." They both answered questions, mainly on why God allowed the tragedies they suffered. "We answered simply that God wept at their sorrow just as he suffered when his son was crucified. We talked of his love and of his allowing people to have their own free will." Two university professors were curious about how Christian values could be part of a university setting. David and Chris passed out hundreds of invitations to the meetings. They were aided greatly by workers with World Christian Broadcasting program. They were interviewed for over an hour for a broadcast on the St. Petersburg radio station. The lady asked: "Why are you here on vacation instead of going to the beaches of Hawaii?" Answer: "We love the Russian people. We have been here 8 times before, but this time your religious freedom allows us to speak freely. We brought medical supplies and we came to share hope -- Christ." Maurice and Marie Hall told them about Natasha who helped them with their trip. When she became a Christian, she gave up her job to translate evangelistic tracts, negotiate visas and travel plans and interpret for the missionaries. Her husband first objected, but later became a Christian and is teaching their 3 sons about God. The Youngs believe that we have over 100 teaching the Bible in various cities in the former Soviet Union. There are 4 congregations in Moscow. Among the missionaries are retired Christians. Ike Hamilton wrote: "I have much goods laid up for many days, but I have decided not to build bigger barns or to tour in my motor home. I will use my energy and resources to help these churches grow. I'm happier now than I have ever been!" The young Christians need mature Christians to show them the Way.

MINSK: Maurice and Marie Hall met a couple from Chernobyl. Their little daughter has leukemia. They gave them a Bible and a children's Bible with pictures. Upon another visit Maurice asked the father if he was a believer. He said he had become one since his daughter made him read the Bible to her each night! She even slept with it! What love of His Word!

CHINA: Cliff Baird's goal is 1,000 by 2,000 Christians to go to China to teach English, using the Scriptures as text, supported by the Chinese government! On his last trip to China, he learned there were thousands of indigenous N.T. Christians. He met Dorcas at a worship service who said her brother, Paul, is a circuit preacher. Cliff met him, and Paul took him on a trip to visit village after village with small groups of Christians. They answered Cliff's questions with Biblical answers. Some villages had 80 Christians, some 100, some 200, etc. Cliff spoke to 300 at one place. They met in homes, basements, factories and old barns. They would sit for 3 or 4 hours on planks placed on bricks, the men on one side, the women on the other. In the meetings they would say amen and hallelujah until the rafters almost shook. They did not seem to be afraid even though some of their brothers are in jail. Paul had spent 5 years in one. One afternoon over 100 marched down to the river and Cliff saw 60 people baptized into Christ. They are in great need of Bibles. Bibles are distributed through the government run Threeself Patriotic Church, only to registered members, so our brethren cannot buy them. Our World Bible Translation Center is scheduled to have the N.T. in Chinese completed after the first of the year. Cliff wants the first million. (You may send checks to Royal Oak C. of C., 115 S. Campbell Rd, Royal Oak, MI 48067, marked for Chinese Bibles.)

BOTSWANA, AFRICA: Eldred Echols tells a wonderful story of how God used Peetah (Peter's pronunciation). He was a 10 year old skinny little kid when he came from across the Nata River to the village where Bible studies were being conducted. He asked for a job. He said he could build fires and boil water for tea; said he would take 50 cents a day. Eldred gave him the job. He did his job well in a quiet way, and was seldom noticed. Days passed and his question came, "Can I be baptized?" Eldred told him: "No. Baptism is only for those who have been taught and who know what they are being baptized for." He said that he knew what it was for. And he answered all the questions correctly. Eldred asked him where he had learned. He said: "Here. While I was working, I listened to the Bible classes with the older people." He was only 10, but he understood, and was baptized. A year later Eldred received a letter in a childish scrawl: "All the men are gone . . . all the men who work for the public works dept. have been transferred to another place. Only Isama and I and the women are left. But don't worry. Bro. E., I hold services each Sunday. I can't preach, but we read the Bible, sing songs and I do the Lord's Supper." On a return visit Eldred found the church still meeting. Peetah had kept it alive! Years passed, a building was built, a regular minister, and people standing on the outside listening. Peter came to the States, studied and returned to serve our Lord. God bless Peetah!

ROSTOV, RUSSIA: University congregation, Abilene, supports Clay, Beverly, Kathryn Whidden who work with Ron and Judy Warpole. It did not take Kathryn long to make friends among the children in the neighborhood and ran into problems. Some of them speak a little English, but have picked up bad language from American movies. Kathryn told them the words are really bad and refused to play with them for a while. She heard them call to her: "Katya, we're sorry; please come out!" She did, and they cleaned up their language. Clay went with some of the Russian brethren to a nearby juvenile prison to teach 350 teens. They were asked to come daily to study the Bible. They agreed and promised N.T.s to each. Beverly told about Natasha's baptism. She learned from a lady in her class that prior to the baptism Natasha had gone around in her neighborhood to those she had offended, asking for forgiveness and telling them she was to become a Christian through baptism into Christ. And after her baptism she went again to the same people to say that now that she was a Christian she would be trying to live a better life.

NASHVILLE/HONDURAS: DLU named Harris Goodwin, founder and President of Baxter Institute, TEGUCIGALPA, 1993 Alumnus of the Year; well deserved. Congratulations Harris!! They have added medical and dental clinics. 56 clinic patients are enrolled in their Bible Correspondence Course.

BARNAUL, RUSSIA: Bob Hare reports 135 souls saved! Jim Condon, grad. of Sunset School of Preaching, Lubbock, and others conducted studies. "One of the students was the Minister of Education. He was so excited about the things he saw and heard that he has arranged for 300 school teachers in his area to be taught the Bible, and Sunset has been asked to provide the teachers." They will have the opportunity of teaching the Bible to thousands of Russian school teachers, who would, in turn, teach students in 9,000 schools in SIBERIA!

CHELNY, RUSSIA: Charles and Sue Chandler (Vienna) met Bill Hearn (Salt Lake City) in MOSCOW, flew 500 miles east to teach nightly Bible classes to 100 children and parents in Russian and English speaking schools. Four teenagers translated for Sue as she taught the children. Through Bible study they strengthened the brethren and reached non-Christians. On the last night a Muslim asked: "Will I be punished if I continue to study the Bible?" There were 3 baptisms and many interested in further study. Charles wrote of places they used for baptisms in various countries: hotel bathtubs; river at midnight; a health spa where the men and women used separate pools as the men had to go in nude!

CAMPAIGN AMERICA KNOCKS OUT NASHVILLE PHONE LINES: 25 retail businesses had phone services disrupted during a live broadcast. Over 2,000 calls came in during one hour.

LISBON, PORTUGAL: Santos Andre and his family are moving to ANGOLA, AFRICA, as missionaries of the Lisbon congregation.

BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA: Christians are selling personal items to raise money for a needed church building.

CHINA: Dr. Lee Wen: "I tuned in your station (KNLS) accidentally . . . The friendly voice and the message touched my heart. I literally cannot turn off the radio until you sign off at about 11 p.m."

LAUSANNE, SWITZ.: Stephan and Reba Bilak were awarded the Distinguished Christian Service Award at Pepperdine U. for the years of broadcasting ministry behind the former Iron Curtain. Congratulations!! UKRAINE, Stephan's homeland, has been their main target in teaching and providing Bibles, food, clothing, medicines, etc.

GODOKPUI, GHANA: Ostracized and exiled to their own village, lepers, without fingers and toes, and with certain sensation in their extremities, due to nerve damage, had to search for water, carrying buckets on their heads. How great their joy when the "borehole" reached water, and a pump was installed. They clapped their hands, danced, praising and giving thanks to God. Overheard: "Truly God is not a respecter of persons!" After giving them physical water, the brethren gave them spiritual water; 17 were baptized in one night. It is a village of 300, lepers and their children.

ROMANIA: Joe and Jean Gibbs of VIENNA travel to ITALY, and other countries to teach. Joe writes of teaching Bible lessons in an English class in BUCHAREST, R. When the bell rang, students would rise and ask the teacher to let him return, and he did.

MADRID: Besides his work in SPAIN and other European countries, Juan Monroy traveled to MEXICO, THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, and TEXAS to preach the Word. In GUADALAJARA, with 70 U.S. workers, he spoke to about 800; about 400 requested tapes, in connection with the Herald of Truth in MEXICO.

This is only a 'drop in the bucket' of wonderful news. I wanted to share so many more stories of what God is doing through his servants. Even though many more are serving in difficult places, many more are needed. Some are able to go for short periods of time; others are needed to stay longer to help the new born babes and teach others.

The Church has been very responsive to the catastrophes here at home; high school and university students also have gone to many places in the U.S. and abroad to teach and to serve in many ways.

I wish YOU a HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON AND A NEW YEAR FULL OF BLESSINGS! Do get in touch and make my holiday season a happy one. Always remember, God and Jesus love you, and so do I!