God's work in review for 1992

l Cor. 3:9a "..they gathered the church together and reported all that God had done through them .." Acts 14:27. "For we are God's fellow workers;..."

So, here is the report of some of the things God has done through many of His servants throughout the world. Of course, this is only a sample of the good things being done in His name and to His glory! But first, let me thank each of you who called or wrote. Your messages mean a lot to me.

UNDER THE HAIR DRYER: Dr. F. LaGarde Smith's book, When Choice Becomes God is an exceptional treatise on abortion. He writes: "How in the world have we managed to reach the point where preventing baby seals from being killed in Newfoundland and the Orkney Isles captures our social conscience, but preventing unborn humans from being killed in abortion clinics across America is somehow repressed within the recesses of that same social conscience?" In Max Lucado's latest book, And the Angels were Silent, he writes of Jesus' final week, drawing meaningful lessons for the reader. Lt. Colonel Ollie North reveals in an interesting and entertaining way much more of his life and what really happened behind the headlines in Under Fire. He learned to depend on God through it all.

INTO ALL THE WORLD: MOSCOW, RUSSIA: Mr. M. Gorbachev Meets Otis and Irene Gatewood! and they were told it could not be done! Nothing is impossible with God. If it is His will, it will happen! And, again, God said YES to His son, Otis: While on his first visit to Moscow, in the early '50s, when Stalin was in power, he felt threatened by the ever present KGB agents, he prayed: "Father in heaven, deliver me from these unreasonable men, and raise up some ruler who believes in you." He continued such prayers on the next 22 visits during the reigns of Khruschev, Andropov, and Breschnev. After observing Mr. Gorbachev (Mr. G.) and the changes that resulted, and contending that he was an atheist, Otis said, "This led to a greater desire in my heart for a personal visit with him to try to determine definitely that he was an atheist, and, if so, to try to convince him to believe in God." When his book, There is a God in Heaven, was translated into Russian, Otis sent him a copy, and wrote him: "Please read and study this book. I believe if you do so, you will be convinced that there is a God." He wrote Mr. G. again saying that he and Irene would be in Moscow June 24-July 12 to bring a large shipment of food from members of the churches of Christ to give the Russian people through him. Otis did not receive an answer to either letter. They prayed for wisdom and left in faith that God would show them how to find him. Without hotel reservations or an appointment with Mr. G, nor his office or home address, he and Irene go to Moscow, stopping in VIENNA, AUSTRIA. While visiting with his adopted German daughter, Darlene, who works with the United Nations, she suggested that she fax a hotel for reservations. He suggested two hotels. One cost $600; the other $400 a night. She then tried Hotel Ukraine for $115 a night. They decided to get in touch with Sonya H. who had been his guide in 1958. (On that visit he asked her if she knew the history of her people, the Jewish nation. She did not know of Abraham, Isaac or Jacob! So he gave her a Bible in English, saying it gives the history of her people. The next day she looked tired. Otis asked if she had not slept well. She said she had not slept at all because she had read the very interesting storybook he had given her all night long!) He did not have her married name nor address. He called his secretary in Michigan and got her married name. When they arrived at the Hotel Ukraine, he asked if they knew Sonya M. They said she used to work for them and did know where she was working! He called her and told her what he wanted to do and asked her to help him find Mr. G. She was happy to see him again and told of having been fired after she had taken him to the various churches to speak in 1958. She showed him the autographed Bible he had given her. She and her co-workers objected to his plan to give Mr. G. the food, fearing that the poor would not receive any of it. He gave her and her co-workers some of the food, but told her he had promised the people who gave money for it that he would give it to Mr. G, and would trust him to give it to the needy. She did learn where his office was and took Otis and Irene to it. They were greeted by Mr. G.'s aid and, over coffee, discussed a possible appointment. The next day, the aid called Sonya and said they could see Mr. G. for 15 minutes on Wednesday at 3:00. It was a surprise to Sonya, but not to the Gatewoods! When Otis gave Mr. G. his calling card, Mr. G. said, "I know who you are!" Otis thanked him for seeing him and said: "We have not come empty handed. We have brought you 8 tons of food, contributed by members of churches of Christ in the U.S., Canada, Germany and Austria. (Darlene had been able to get the food at half price, making it worth $20,000!) Mr. G. thanked him and said: "This humanitarian aid is the best approach because it shows your sincerity by giving it person to person and hand to hand." Mr. G. talked for 10 minutes, uninterrupted, so Otis, fearing he could not say what he wished to in a 15 minute interview, raised his hand to speak. For the next 35 minutes they had a warm, friendly visit. Irene told him about the contributions of two little black boys, about 7 and 4, of 2 cents and l cent. Mr. G. said: "This is like the story Jesus told about the widow who gave all her living by giving one mite." (This was not his first reference to the scriptures as they visited.) Otis told him about his prayer on his visit in 1952, and said: "I was not aware of it, but as soon as I prayed, God started to answer my prayer, because at the time you were being trained as a young man at your mother's knees to believe in God." He interrupted with, "No, it was not at my mother's knees but at my grandmother's. She had more influence over me than my mother. She believed that I was the best grandchild she had." Otis then explained why he thought that Mr. G. was the answer to his prayers. He listed the evident godly characteristics and called him a man of peace, having received the Nobel Peace Prize. He told him that God was working in him in ways he did not understand when he began speaking of "paristroika" and "glastnoss." Mr. G. interrupted again with a smile, and said: "You are right. I did not understand all that I was doing." Otis continued: "Mr. G. since you do believe in God, you should let your faith be known and in doing so you will have the love and admiration of all the people of the U.S. because we are a God believing nation....." When Mr. G. said he did not want to be a politician, Otis suggested he teach him to become a preacher. Mr. G. laughed and said: "You are a very persuasive preacher." Mr. G. said he had been to Palestine recently and stood where Jesus fed thousands, as Otis was with the food he brought to Russia. Otis then talked to him about sin and that it was important that he be saved from his sins. Mr. G. acted astonished at these words. (Sonya said later to Otis: "I believe you are the first and only preacher who had told him that he is a sinner.") When Otis told him that not only must he believe in God and Christ, but that he must be baptized for the remission of his sins. Immediately, Mr. G. said: "I have been baptized." Otis replied that baptism is not the sprinkling of a few drops of water on the head. Mr. G. said: "But I was baptized by being put down into the water. It was a cold winter day when I was baptized in the cold river. My grandfather then wrapped me in a warm sheepskin and carried me away. My grandfather was a strong character, and I admired him very much." Otis said: "But before a person is baptized, he must believe." He hit his fist on the desk and said very emphatically: "I have been baptized, and I am a Christian!" Otis believes he will be receptive to further teaching. According to Sonya, just before parting, Otis thanked him for the kind reception and "placed his right hand on Mr. G's shoulder and with his low, velvet, beautiful voice started to sing tenderly and calmly: "God be with you till we meet again.."....and when he had finished the song, Mr. G. clung to him like a baby.! Mr. Gatewood took him in a fatherly embrace. It was such a wonderful sight!" The food had been sent to Sagorst, about 80 kilometers from Moscow. Mr. G. furnished a car and driver to S. to make arrangements for the delivery of the food to Mr. G. for distribution. Mr. G.'s aid and Sonya went with Otis and Irene. This gave them two hours to teach them about Christ and His church. The aid said he would pass the things they taught him on to Mr. G. He also said that Raise and Mr. G. have a Bible on a table in their living room and read it regularly. Sonya translated a letter from Mr. G.'s aid which listed the recipients of the food: single and poor families, wounded and sick refugees, an orphanage, invalids and old people and the soldiers who participated in the Afghan War who have undergone medical treatment in the sanitarium "Russ". There was much more to this story, but felt I had to share this much. Pray for Mr. Gorbachev's faith, that it may grow and be productive.

NIGERIA: One evening in ABA, Dr. Bob and Annette Whittaker had stayed too long and had to return home after dark; something that should not be done. "Suddenly they came upon a log across the road, which meant that they were being purposely stopped. Sure enough, it was an armed robber with a hood over his head. The man forced Bob to get out of the car and lie on the pavement and to give him his money. Very often these robbers will shoot their victims because if they are caught, and there are witnesses, the punishment is the firing squad. Being quick to react, Annette suddenly said, "Do you know who this is? This is the missionary doctor from the Nigerian Christian Hospital at Onicha Ngwa!" The man then said, "Oh, I'm sorry, get up, go!" By God's grace, they drove home without being harmed!"

SAN SALVADOR: "Alexander and Silvia Castellanos have built one of the largest congregations in CENTRAL AMERICA in spite of a dreadful civil war and tremendous hardships. For 5 days they and their 3 children lay on their stomachs scooting from room to room while the battle literally raged through their home. Crawling to the pantry and refrigerator for food they never stood up for 5 days. When the battle was over, their house was riddled with bullet holes and the doors and windows were completely shot out. What did they do? Thanked God they were still alive and well and then went out to teach the soldiers still in their neighborhood. 7 obeyed the gospel! In addition to working with a congregation of 500 plus members, Silvia organized the largest women's retreat ever to be conducted in our brotherhood. l,300 women met for 5 days to sit at her feet and learn."

ROMANIA AND BULGARIA: Dr. Eugene Smith, III, at his own expense, has spent time working with the leading cardiologists and has addressed the national meeting of Cardiologists in R. His father, Eugene Smith, Jr. organized a group of 17 to preach and teach Christ in BUCHAREST, R., May 12-July 5. The Smiths will return, with Dr. Harvie Pruitt, LCU, during the Christmas holidays. Many short term workers are going over for a few weeks or a few months at a time, some returning more than once, to instruct people in the Bible. A few long-term workers are moving to these East European countries, and more are needed. Hundreds of people are coming to these classes. Food, clothing and medicines are being sent to many of these places for the need is great.

GUYANA: Prime Minister Hamilton Green, invited Bill McDonough, of Partners in Progress (Little Rock, AR) to dine with him as he had heard of their work, and wanted to know how he could help. His limousine, took Bill to one of the poorer sections of the city where the Prime Minister had grown up, and decided to remain there. Mr. Green expressed his appreciation in the name of thousands who had been helped the past 7 years by our teams. He asked about the type of cooperation from the Minister of Health and the Comptroller of Customs, and for Bill's impressions of the village health care system. He gave Bill his personal telephone number in case of any difficulties. He inquired about the church, giving Bill the opportunity to tell him of the plea to restore the New Testament Church. Mr. Green said: "I am glad you are emphasizing spiritual values and that you have preaching services along with delivering medical care to our people...." The newspapers carried pictures and articles concerning the visit.

GHANA: Another Partners in Progress team set up a mobile clinic. "After being attacked by army ants and sitting up all night to keep the large rats off their beds, they treated 150 village tribes people who brought deathly sick children to see them. More than 90% of the people had malaria and many were ravaged by parasites. More then l,000 people were fitted with glasses. ...300 came to hear the gospel preached in the village square."

JERUSALEM: "Several Jewish families are being denied the right to immigrate to ISRAEL because of their faith in the Messiah, said national missionary Joseph Shulam....Because of the many Jewish immigrants from RUSSIA a Bible study has been initiated in that language."

JAPAN: Lee Bulls, former missionary to Japan, reports that the Bible is now the all-time best seller in JAPAN.

IVORY COAST: Barry Baggott reported that a new congregation is meeting in the local penitentiary in BOURKE.

RELIEF WORK continues all over the world, not only with sending food, clothing, medicines and money, but Christians from all walks of life are going themselves to help rebuild where necessary. The following excerpts from a letter of lst Sgt. Andrew L. Bell, made me feel good. "I wish each of you could have been here so that you could see and feel the difference between a casual throw something in a box versus genuine love, dedication and thoughtfulness, the kind your members showed in the boxes you (Nashville, TN area churches) sent. I witnessed the unloading of numerous trucks ..., and all but yours looked as if Hurricane Andrew itself had packed the trucks. Clothes that were torn, dirty, ripped and ..unusable. ...Food was sent by the tons....Packing was given no thought, and most cans were dented, some busted, and virtually all boxes were busted. This caused thousands of man hours to be wasted in the reorganizing, repackaging and redistribution ....and one day your boxes arrived in a community called CENTERVILLE, LA.. It really took me by surprise. Each box was inventoried as to content, and the contents reflected love. ...To cap it off, letters of encouragement in each box. You'll have to forgive me, but I read about a dozen or so just to see if they were "real" letters or copies of the same letter. Original, each and every one! So this hard-bitten lst Sgt. who had seen the worst of humanity in looters, thieves, drug dealers, wife beaters...finally got to see the best of humanity. ...And so there I was, in the midst of turmoil, crisis, pain, hunger and feeling the effects of 72 hours with no sleep, and God reminded me that He was still there, giving His best."

GAROUA, CAMEROON: O. C. Andrews spent 3 weeks in the hospital following "inhuman maltreatment" by 3 policemen who were bribed by someone who had threatened his life. VIENNA: Pres. Will Goodheer of Int'l Christian U. has made Agreements of Cooperation with universities in KIEV, UKRAINE, PRAGUE and BRATISLAVA CZECH., where ICU would provide Christian faculty in various disciplines from a Christian perspective. Each student of Humanities would be required to take Bible. The Hungarian Ministry of Education has recognized ICU degrees and will employ ICU graduates.

CAMPAIGN AMERICA is a weekly TV talk show with a live audience, 35 million tuning in on 2,000 stations in 41 states!

BOB HARE REPORT: As of 10-5 in provinces of former SOVIET U. there are 37 congregations with some 2,500 members EAST GERMANY work by Reiner Kallus and others includes congregations in OELSNITZ, CHEMNITZ and WEINER. The Clyde Antwines and Jack McKinneys formerly of work in Switz. and Germany, are planning to go to E. Germany.

ROSTOV-ON-DON, RUSSIA: Some questions asked in a 3 hr period to Dr. Prentice Meador, are: Has any person ever seen God? Has the U.S. government ever tried to destroy the Christian religion? Why did God allow His son to die on the cross? Why did Christianity appear among the Jews?

UKRAINE: Stephan Bilak spoke to 600 librarians from 600 cities, giving a Bible to each library and one for personal use of the librarians. The manager of a TERNOPIL radio station has offered to broadcast, 2 times a week, for a year, tapes that Stephan has prepared. (This is in exchange for a $300 portable cassette recorder.) City officials asked Stephan to establish a local office for Slavic World for Christ; the governor is providing the phone.

SYKTYVKAR, RUSSIA: Marlon Rutherford (DLU grad.) taught English at the Univ. using the Bible. He learned "The Russian people are used to having to hide their Bibles. One lady ..hid a Bible in a loaf of bread for years.)

Wish I could tell you more, but must close by reminding you that GOD AND JESUS LOVE YOU, AND SO DO I. I'll be looking for your message in my mail box.