Statistically, we have 68 churches in Japan with a possible membership of 2500. We have 44 ministers which means that 24 churches are without ministers. Some of these churches are served by missionaries, but still this is a dangerous situation. Nature abhors a vacuum and so does the church. Leaderless churches are ripe for takeover by roving denominational preachers. Denominationally trained and oriented ministers have always been disastrous for New Testament churches. There are no exceptions. Every missionary must make it a part of his work to train and develop local leadership on the field as well as sending those who can go to Seminary.

At the annual convention of Japan churches of Christ held in Kobe, July, 1983, over 500 Christians from 54 churches throughout the nation attended. It was an outstanding gathering by any standard.

In its 40 year history, Osaka Bible Seminary has enrolled a total of 166 students. Thirty-nine of these were 4 or 5 year students of whom 33 are preaching. This is 84.6% of the total. Thirty- eight two-year certificate students were graduated. Eleven of these married ministers or are active in evangelism. This is 28%. Only 16 of our churches in Japan are served by non-OBS graduates. The college has a faculty of 3 missionaries and 4 Japanese professors, all of whom have a graduate level education. There are 9 students at present.

Each November 2-3, Osaka Bible Seminary holds the Tane Maki Kai (Seed Sowing Convention) on its campus. It is an important time of preaching and fellowship, especially for the churches in central Japan.

We have no benevolent institutions. There are three church-owned camps: Karuizawa Christian Camp operated by M/M Julius Fleenor; Shinshu Bible Camp, founded by M/M Stanley Buttray in 1978 and now operated by M/M Andrew Patton; and the Christian Shuyokai operated by the churches in Kagoshima Prefecture.

In 1976, after the sale of a piece of land next to the Kamiochiai church in Tokyo, the trustees of the Yotsuya Mission established a Church and Building Loan Fund. This fund has supplied long- term, low-interest loans for church-related building projects of our people throughout the country. It has been a great blessing. A positive factor in its continuance is the fact that, with one or two exceptions, this money has been repaid fully and on time.